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Archive for October 2015

Wednesday, 21 October 2015
by James Smith
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Essay q.
"To what extent is streetwear reliant on promotion through social media."
Trends, Branding, Graphics, Lifestyle / Culture, Othering.
Explain streetwear
- Casual clothing, seen as fashionable by skateboarding a hip-hip culture.
- Originated by West coast skateboarders
Explain brand & trend
What is a trend?
What informs trend?
Case studies.
A solid brand with strong connotations e.g. rolex
Henry Holland?
Celebrity culture
Status & wealth

by James Smith
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COP3 - Quotes
“Street to me is where it all starts. From the ground up street is the seed to all other fashion. I like to see streetwear brands lead the trend in fashion.” (Vogel, 2007) Kenta Goto pg 37 streetwear S. Vogel 2007
"Because of this, stores are investing in streetwear in a new way. Harvey Nichols, an international luxury lifestyle store in London, now boasts that 63% of its contemporary menswear is Streetwear."
Geyimler 2013 - Google it

Thursday, 8 October 2015
by James Smith
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OUGD601 - BOOK - Fashion branding unraveled - Kaled K. Hameide
Retailers don't usually spend much on advertising as manufacturers do because the store itself plays a major role in communicating the brand. Nevertheless, advertising is still utilized by stores who force economic viability of the expense.
The approach to the advertising message can have different focuses.
• Reinforce how the store reflects a specific lifestyle.
• Builds a dream to which the customers aspire.
• Builds a mood around a product.
• Creates interest through humour.
• Demonstrates how the products relate to the consumer's everyday life.
• Demonstrates usage or functionality of a product.
An image is how the consumer ends up seeing or understanding the brand. It can coincide with all differ from what the brand had planned. Images created by customers can be positive or negative, and successful brands are those for which the targeted positioning and image coincide.
The image the customer develops is affected by his or her own experiences with the brand and its competitors: the customer's cultural, religious, and economic background, as well as many of the external influences. As we've seen a brand cannot totally control these external influences and experiences, but it tries to create the conditions and incentives that may result in a more positive experience.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015
by James Smith
Chapter One,
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OUGD601 - Research into Stussy
How Stüssy Became a $50 Million Global Streetwear Brand Without Selling Out

Friday, 2 October 2015
by James Smith
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