
Code, sign, signifier, signified, arbitrary, denotation, connotation, myth.

Semiotics: The science of studying signs. 

Meaning by Ferdinand De Saussure (Swiss Linguist): Method of analysing the structures that create meaning.

A code is a system of symbols or sign. 

'S' is a shape until we give it a meaning.
'Red' in England means danger. 'Red' in China means luck. 
Wearing a 'tie' is a sign. (Social behaviour and dress)

Signifier = Sound image

Signified = Mental image 

Signifier + Signified = Sign 


Signifier: = W
ord 'dog', sound 'dog', type 'dog', barking, picture, smell, colour. 
Signified: Mental concept of a dog.
Sign: Dog

The meaning of signs shift.
Meanings do not come from objects themselves but people.
By analysing the connotational content of cultural artefacts we can access meaning which can help us understand culture. 

Social stereotypes - Cultural codes

Women: Weaker, delicate. 
Men: Stronger.

Denotation: Basic understanding of dog, 'four legged creature', etc... 

Connotation: Associational meaning of dog, 'loyalty', 'companionship', 'walks', 'smell'. 


Uncle Sam Range.

Denotation: Party.

Connotation: Male dominance.

Myth: Barthe says that myth comes into play within the realm of connotation. 

All english myth goes into:

St Georges cross
Turkish man
Slayed a dragon for christianity and no paganism so people have culture.

English cross: Tribe, Superiorority, nation, underline polotics in the English nation. (Connotation) 

Tuesday, 22 October 2013 by James Smith
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